Vorici Chromatic Calculator

Vorici Chromatic Calculator

Understanding the Probability Behind Socket Coloring

Sockets in PoE are generated through a purely probabilistic system, and the chance of one being rolled as an off-color socket is always correlated with the attribute requirements of the item.

Example Probabilities:

That equates to a 90%+ chance of a pure Strength chest rolling red sockets.

So the most optimal scenario is a pure Dexterity bow and 85% chance to roll green sockets.

The next logical item type to discuss would be what we are calling the hybrid Strength/Dexterity item.

Very rare every Strength armor to roll blue socket by default; that is about 1-5% chances.

Well, October 2023 is when the Vorici Chromatic Calculator (see tab above) becomes active.

The Vorici Chromatic Calculator allows player to input:

Item type (gloves, armor, weapons, etc)

Data (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence values)

Desired socket colors

The average # of Chromatic Orbs this needs will then be calculated, and Vorici crafting or just mindless rolling will be declared the cheaper option.

Example Usage

Lets say you have an armor chest piece (Strength) with 6 sockets and you need 3 blue and 3 red sockets.

As for Chromatic Orb spam, you would have thousands of pouring out there as well, though the chance of blue seems pretty low.

For example the Vorici “At Least 3 Blue” craft on average costs roughly 120 Chromatic Orbs in the calculator.

If it is a good number, do Vorici crafting to conserve random Chromatic Orbs you would otherwise throw away.

9 Tips for Improving the Socket Coloring

Use Hybrid Gear When Possible

Hybrid attribute gear (ex: Str/Int armor) has an increased chance to roll mixed socket colors making this craft more efficient.

Use the High Bench for Extreme Cases

With 4 or more sockets that aren’t all the same colour, the Vorici craft is usually better than chroma spamming.

You Are Using The Automate System

The Vorici Chromatic Calculator will allow you to determine if you are using the most efficient method possible, so don’t waste your Chromatic Orbs until you do.

-Rip the Maps with Syndicate Mechanics to reduce the cost of Crafting.

In the Betrayal League system, Vorici in the Syndicate offer guild benches installing, which will occasionally halve the cost of a socket changing.

Vorici Chromatic Calculator FAQ

How accurate is the calculator?

Mine is based on statistical chance, and average expected cost, no guarantee. The average is rolled as often, with fewer lucky or unluckly rolls.

Can I re-roll six off-color sockets?

Yes, but at a very high cost. This meant that rolling six blue sockets on a pure Strength armor, for an example, would cost the user several thousands of Chromatic Orbs.

What is the cheapest way for me to paint my sockets?

Whether one is cheaper than the other depends on your item. Use the calculator to determine if Chromatic Orb spam is worth your while BEFORE you commit any resources as OPPOSED TO (it is important) Vorci crafting.

Are Chromatic Orbs easy to come by?

Well actually, Chromatic Orbs do drop at a greater rate from vendors selling linked RGB items and dead monsters. You could also trade with other players.

Is the socket color affected by the quality of the item?

Angle: there are only ratios, no item quality affects the socket color.

Crafting MethodCostEffect
Chromatic Orb Spam1 Chromatic Orb per useRandomly rerolls all socket colors
1 Red / 1 Green / 1 Blue4 Chromatic OrbsGuarantees at least one red, one green, and one blue socket
At Least X Sockets of a ColorVaries (e.g., 25 Chromatic Orbs for “at least 2 blue”)Ensures a minimum number of a specific color
Fully Specified SocketsVaries (e.g., 285 Chromatic Orbs for “3 blue on strength gear”)Forces specific socket colors but at a high cost

Introducing the Probability Behind Socket Coloring

Sockets are based on a probability system in PoE, so the likelihood of one rolling as an off-color socket is naturally tied to the item’s attribute requirements.

Example Probabilities:

This means a pure Strength-based chest can roll red sockets approximately 90% of the time.

The most successful scenario therefore is a pure Dexterity bow with an 85% chance of rolling green sockets.

The next item type worth discussing is what we call hybrid Strength/Dexterity item.

It is quite rare for a Strength armor to roll a blue socket naturally, about 1-5% depending.

How To Use The Vorici Chromatic Calculator

The Vorici Chromatic Calculator lets player enter in:

Type of item (armor, weapons, gloves, etc.)

Attribute requirements (Strength, Dexterity, Intelligence values)

Desired socket colors

The calculator will then estimate the average # of Chromatic Orbs needed, and conclude if Vorici crafting or just brute-force rolling is a cheaper solution.

Example Usage

Say you have armor chest piece (Strength) with six sockets and you need 3 blue and 3 red sockets.

With Chromatic Orb spam, you’d have thousands of rolls on pouring out too, but the chance of rolling blue is pretty low.

For example, with the Vorici “At Least 3 Blue” craft, the calculator may show that it costs approximately 120 Chromatic Orbs on the average case.

If it is a good number, go ahead with Vorici crafting to save random Chromatic Orbs you would otherwise waste.

Quick Tips for Better Socket Coloring

Use Hybrid Gear When Possible

Hybrid attribute gear (e.g., Strength/Intelligence armor) has a higher chance of rolling mixed socket colors, which makes the crafting more efficient.

Use the Bench for Extreme Cases

For 4 or more non-normal colour sockets, the Vorici craft is usually superior to chroma spamming.

The Automata System You Are Using

Make sure you check the Vorici Chromatic Calculator to make sure you’re using the best method before wasting your Chromatic Orbs.

Use Syndicate Mechanics for Lower Crafting Costs

Vorici in the Syndicate provides guild benches in the Betrayal League system that will sometimes cut the cost of socket changes in half.

Vorici Chromatic Calculator FAQ

How accurate is the calculator?

The Vorici Chromatic Calculator is based on statistical chance, an average expected cost, not guaranteed. Fewer rolls are luckier or unluckier than the average.

Can I re-roll six off-color sockets?

Yes, but at a very high cost. Rolling six blue sockets on a pure Strength armor, for instance, could cost the user thousands of Chromatic Orbs.

What is the cheapest way to paint my sockets?

Which is the cheapest depends on your item. Before investing ressources, use the calculator to judge if Chromatic Orb spam is worth it AS OPPOSED TO (this is important) Vorici crafting.

Can Chromatic Orbs be obtained easily?

Well yes, Chromatic Orbs can drop at a higher rate from vendors selling linked RGB items and dead monsters. You could also make trades with other players.

Does the quality of the item affect the socket coloring?

No, item quality has no bearing on socket color; there are merely ratios.

Image Example

An example of a Strength based chest with 6 sockets changed to (3 blue and 3 red) colours using Vorici crafting.

Vorici Chromatic Calculator


Vorici Chromatic Calculator Vorici chromatic quality as explained in detail above is used to improve colour socketing in path of exile. Knowing the probabilities for item types and crafting costs is essential to tracking your use of Chromatic Orbs, and avoiding unneeded purchases. : If you are new to the game you can use the calculator to give you the perfect socket colours for your build, and if you are an experienced player it will help you to achieve your desired result without wasting currencies.

Key Takeaways

The calculator can be used to approximate average crafting costs.

Hybrid gear slides off-colors more readily.

Vorici crafting is great for 3+ off-colors.

Syndicate mechanics can occasionally lower costs for crafting.

These strategies will help you colour your sock effectively

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